Rabindra Nath Nandi
Short Bio
Rabindra Nath Nandi with 10 years of experinece, currently works as a Lead NLP Engineer at Hishab Ltd, one of leading companies for VoiceBot solutions. He is currently focused on developing precise LLM-based customer care solutions for millions of users, ensuring low latency and minimal hallucinations while addressing translation errors, syntactical and semantic errors in low-resource languages to enhance the user experience.
He completed BSc (2014) in Computer Scince and Engineering at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology.
Research Interests
Graph Neural Networks, Large Langauge Models, Social Computing
Multimodality, Network Science, Generative Modelling, Game theory
On-device machine learning
Updates (more)
01/2025 One paper accepted by NAACL 2025. Paper Link
09/2024 One paper accepted by EMNLP 2024. Paper Link
11/2023 One paper accepted by BLP Workshop@EMNLP2023. Paper Link
03/2023 One paper accepted by SemEval-2023. Paper Link
06/2023 One paper accepted by CLEF 2023 - CheckThat! Lab. Paper Link
12/2022 One paper accepted by ECIR2023. Paper Link
03/2022 One paper accepted by CONSTRAINT Workshop@ACL2022. Paper Link
03/2022 One paper accepted by DravidianLangTech@ACL2022. Paper Link
Other Activities
Program Committee, First Workshop on Bangla Language Processingss, EMNLP 2023.
Task Organizer, CheckThat! Lab at CLEF 2023, Greece, 2023.
Reviewer of BLP Workshop @ EMNLP 2023, CLEF2023 - CheckThat! Lab, DravidianLangTech-Workshop@ACL2022
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Stack Overflow: 1.4k reputations and 1.2
million reach.
Directly mentored 20+ engineers